Sunday, October 30, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Gamblin' Man
Well, JR and Tricia and Ethan and Hailey moved in across the street. It will be very convienent for snow forts and snowball fights. We played poker again last night and I'm just waiting for my luck to run out. Last week I won $27.50, this week $5. But I've won money each of the last eight weeks, so Suzanne doesn't make fun of me any more for sucking at poker.
Well, I'm helping mix our cd right now, I should probably pay attention to what we are doing.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Grey Wednesday
Well, I have some time to blog right now, so here you go.
I woke up this morning, Jaden was awake and wanted out of his crib. Suzanne had left for work and Melissa was leaving for work at Starbucks (oh, and she's our new sister who is living in our basement). I got the kid ready for the day, did some reading while he played. Then I walked across the street, Tricia and the kids were over there unpacking. They are officially moving in tonight. Exciting. Jaden smiles so much when he's around those kids. Tricia offered to take him over to her house for the day, so I'm just getting the house ready for poker tonight.
I went out to get some snacks and beer and the lady at the register told me "you don't look old enough to buy this stuff, but you probably hear that all the time."
Yup. I've been hearing it for six years. But it has been less frequent in the past couple years. Getting older is weird. I was just thinking today that Jaden will be sixteen in the year 2020. 2020, still seems like the space age compared to my childhood of the 80's. Crazy. I don't feel very old, I just feel like I have a lot more experience than I did a few years ago. Feels like the last five years have just been one very long drawn out year. So what is it with growing older? What are we afraid of? Dying? I'm not afraid of being dead. I'm not looking forward to the actual dying part of it all, but that's not what's really on my mind. I just keep seeing these 21 year old kids around me with all these dreams and I really hope they acomplish them.
I guess what I am afraid of is missing chances.
Chances for what?
It changes all the time. And I guess that's a good thing as long as it doesn't make you static. It makes you evaluate your life. What's your purpose? How are you helping people? How are you living in a more truthful/beautiful/thoughtful way? I just watched Magnolia again last week. I love the line when Claudia says: "I'll tell you everything, and you tell me everything. And maybe we can get through the piss, shit, and lies that kill other people." So many people are tied to their past and can't seem to change. That's what I like about Jesus. He's given us a chance here to have new life.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Rock Worship
Thanks to Matt for setting up a website to help resource Great Commission worship leaders. He even set me up as a contributer, so I may post every once in a while there.
recording more
Wow, I've been totally out of the loop on things this weekend becuase we've been doing tons of recording. We are almost done. Sean has some guitar overdubs and Joel's band has one song to do, but besides that we are ready to mix and master. I have to tell you, if you are looking for recording in the area, you have to check out Ryan Wert at Elm Street Recording, he knows what he's doing.
The highlights of this album for me are going to be "At The End Of The Age" and the heavenly, dissonant noise at the end of the cd which was created by me playing keys, synth, kaoss pad, out of tune pump organ, toy piano, and cookie sheets. And Eric Craft played the glass and a little precussion box. I think we will call it "joy."
Anyway, I really think this is going to be a great album.
Friday, October 21, 2005
So we are in recording season for the next "ish" cd. A couple weeks ago we laid down guitar and drum tracks for six of the songs. Yesterday I did vocals for five of the songs and recorded another acoustic song and vocals in the afternoon. I think we are going to do some sound-experimentation with the end of the cd. Ryan at Elm Street Recording has a pump organ which has a really cool sound, so between that, the kaoss pad and an ebow, I think it might get crazy.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
This is a great quote from Rob Bell's book.
"It is possible for music to be labeled Christian and be terrible music. It could lack creativity and inspiration. The lyrics could be recycled cliches. That "Christian" band could actually be giving Jesus a bad name becuase they aren't a great band. It is possible for a movie to be a "Christian" movie and to be a terrible movie. It may actually desecrate the art form in its quality and storytelling and craft. Just becuase it is a Christian book by a Christian author and it was purchased in a Christian bookstore doesn't mean it is all true or good or beautiful. A Christian political group puts me in an awkward position: What if I disagree with them? Am I less of a Christian? What if I am convinced the "Christian" thing to do is to vote the exat opposite?
Christian is a great noun and a poor adjective."
I had a bad night of sleep last night. I dreamt about my dad three times. The dreams were a backwards progression of time and they actually got better as they went.
The first one was when he was sick in the hospital. It was a nightmare.
The second was at some family holiday or event and he was joking around.
The third one was when I was a kid and we had just come home from an hour long trip to Cleveland. I was tired and barely awake, but pretending to be fully alseep. He picked me up, slung me over his shoulder and tucked me into my bed.
I miss him.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
I went to the Wilco show thursday with Suz, Josh and Jeff. It was a great time and a really really good show.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
help please?
Ok. We just changed internet providers from SBC to Comcast yesterday. I bought a cable modem ($5 w/rebate!) and I still have my wireless router. The internet connects when I use Ethernet from the modem into my computer, but not when I go from modem to router to wireless. Any suggestions?
Monday, October 10, 2005
Jeff Tweedy
itunes: Danny Boy from the album "American IV: The Man Comes Around" by Johnny Cash
Does anyone want to come with me to see Jeff Tweedy on November 9th at Calvin? I'll need to know today.
What Not to Say
itunes: Bucket Seat by Cake
My Mom has some great advice on what you should and shouldn't say to someone who's just lost a loved one.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Noel's Post
So Noel is posting the same kind of thing on his blog. Read that stuff and let me know what you think.
itunes: Casino Queen from the album "Wilco_7/03/03_Summerfest Milwaukee_D2" by Wilco
reading:"Velvet Elvis" (Rob Bell)
I'm borrowing Rob Bell's new book "Velvet Elvis" from a friend, who didn't really like it and I'm not very far into it, but I wanted to throw out a quote and let you guys devour it. Caution: I know I have friends on the (hate to say the word) "emerging" side of things, and those coming from a more "non-emerging" view. So, that means, no comment yet for me (plus, I have a lot more reading to go.) But tell me what you think of this (I understand I am not giving you much context):
"And as part of this tradition, I embrace the need to keep painting, to keep reforming. By this I do not mean cosmetic, superficial changes like better lights and music, sharper graphics, and new methods with easy to follow steps. I mean theology, the beliefs about God, Jesus, the Bible, salvation, the future. We must keep reforming the way the Christian faith is defined, lived and explained."
Sunday, October 02, 2005
itunes: Jolene from the album "Trouble" by Ray LaMontagne
So I really want to start playing racquetball about three times a week, preferably early in the morning. If anyone wants to, please let me know.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Coolest Thing About The End Of This Month
itunes: I Will Not Eat The Darkness from the album "Good Dog Bad Dog" by Over The Rhine

"The Things They Carried" (Tim O'Brien)
JR and Tricia are moving across the street! We are going to paint our end of the street orange. We are going to hang a banner from our house to their saying "North Side Fool!." And we are going to dress up as pirates and have bb gun wars across the street from each other. It will be pretty sweet.