Monday, May 30, 2005


Our families were in town this weekend and we had a smashing birthday party for Jaden yesterday, it was fun. I'll put some pictures up pretty soon. But right now I'm sad because everyone is gone.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The new website has launched.

Monday, May 23, 2005


Here is the audio of the message I gave this weekend. Remember, this is only my second time speaking here, so give me some slack...


So I'm watching Jaden this morning while Suz is at the shop and he poops three times within an hour and a half!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Real Reason We Are Friends...

Well life has been busy, between adding new band members through auditions and figuring out schedules, trying to find information for a missions trip, and planning my teaching out for this week, I have abandoned some friendships the past couple weeks. Sorry, if you're one of those people. I did however get a chance to play some poker at JR's place tonight and pretty much cleaned house. I ended up 17 bucks. So I'm abandoning friends and taking their money!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

tough calls

Do you ever have to make really tough phone calls where you dial the first six numbers about a hundred times trying to use the Force to make your finger hit that seventh number, but nothing, until you finally distract yourself enough that you accidentally make the call, no turning back? Yeah, had a couple of those today. Suck.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Dad's Sermons

I've been reading some of my Dad's sermons to see if I can steal anything for my teaching next week. I've found so many pieces of wisdom, it's been amazing and emotional just to read the things that I remember him teaching me from when I was a kid. Crazy. Anyway, here is a quote from one of his teachings that I thought was funny.

"A painter may be an atheist - but if he displays creative ability, it displays the creativity of God - every good deed, every good gift - gives glory to God.

God is in charge of the 'goodness program' - the 'debauchery program' is in our hands!"

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

What happened with Wilco

So yeah, the concert was awesome. They were filming that show and the previous three nights for a live dvd that they are going to release in the fall. The show started off awesome, we were in the balcony, but were only about 50 feet from the stage. About half-way through though, Jeff Tweedy's amp started fading in and out and he got noticably frustrated. He then told us that they would have to take a break and fix it. They thought they fixed it. They repeated the same song. The amp was still acting up and so Jeff traded the amp for multi-instramentalist Pat Sansone's amp. They played and amazing version of Sunkin Treasure, but after that song, he told us that he was being shocked while he was playing, so he put his guitar down and told us that he was just going to take requests and play acoustic. So they played and played and played. And it was awesome. Over three and a half hours. Crazy.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Wilco, Vic, Chi Town

Just got back from a wonderful two days in Chicago where we met up with Shane and Erin and saw Wilco at the Vic theatre. They played 38 songs. Enough said.

Friday, May 06, 2005

sing, sing a song-sing it loud, sing it long

I've posted a couple new songs under "my music" to the left, if you feel like listening...

Thursday, May 05, 2005


click here for a really cute pic of Suz and Jaden.

Under there

So, I have a pair of XXL boxers on...backwards today. I must have been groggy this morning.

Looking for Stories

It's crazy that I happen to be teaching in Noel's paradox series on the The Problem of Evil (or Theodicy). I'm seeing more pain right now in my life than I have in quite a while. Obviously with my dad and family things have been tough, my uncle has to have five-way heart bypass, friends are going through crazy difficult things in their lives and I am not really able to help, except to try and do the best to comfort them.

Anyway, I'm teaching in a few weeks and am looking for any kind of stories in which you or someone you know has experience some kind of pain, and maybe this is the kind of thing where you saw how God is glorified, maybe it isn't. I'd really like to get some perspective from real people instead of just throwing out the logical arguments for God being good (although I might do some of that also). So if you have something to share, you can comment here, or email me. If your story heavily involves someone else, it might be best to email me and then we can talk about it. Thanks all...

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


We are hitting up the windy city this saturday for yet another wilco show. This one is going to be at the Vic and they will be taping it for a live cd. Can't wait.

Last night we played open mic and it seemed to go really well, people liked it and they told us. We felt good. Thanks Stevo and Nick and crew, and Bracks (sorry it was so cold) for making it out.

Oh, and by the way, Mac users, don't ever take your computer to Eubulus. They are not a good company. I can let you know more if you want, but just don't take your stuff there.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Open Mic in East Lansing

Brian and I are going to play a few songs at Espresso Royal in East Lansing tomorrow at 8 or 8:30. So come on out if you get the chance, it'll be a good time.