Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Oo la la CR-V!

Suzanne just took a new job for a French cafe that is opening in East Lansing near MSU. She is going to pretty much be running the store. It is going to be a coffee shop that specializes in crapes. So, since we just sold our Nissan, we needed to get a new car. We decided on something a tad bigger than our Nissan, but still with good gas mileage. We decided to go with the Honda CR-V. It's pretty cool. It goes into 4X4 if the tires start to slip at all. The lady that sold it to us came down on the price and after we agreed to buy it, she said "I forgot to tell you about a chip on the windshield, we are going to get it fixed before you pick it up." So they did and then we got there to pick it up and they had just done an oil change (synthetic) and filled 'er up with a full tank of gas. Very cool people.

On a different note, I'd appreciate prayers for my dad. He is getting a biopsy today. Thanks.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Jaden on Dad's shoulder

Jaden on Dad's shoulder, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

Thanks to Travis for this pic.

Just got back from Thanksgiving at my parents in Akron. It was a good time. I wish they lived here, yeah, I know, we are the ones who left. Anyway, Jaden was sick with a fever and runny nose, so he didn't really sleep. Which means that we (especially the ever self-sacrificing Suzanne) didn't sleep much either. Well I'm going to try to get a nap in before church tonight.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Tom Tom The Turkey

Well Sunday we finished recording. It's actually pretty hard to sing perfectly the whole way through the song, with no tiny bit of glitch in your voice. We got it down, to where the engineer should be able to work with it. Hopefully it will turn out well. Recording shows how much you suck.

This saturday we are going to have Jeremy S. play keyboards with us and we are going to cover "Superstition" which is a cool song. Hopefully I'll have enough soul.

Suzanne is probably going to talk a job as store manager of of French Cafe in East Lansing. She will only have to work mornings and should be back at the house by 12:30 everyday. So I'll be watching Jaden on Monday and Wednesday mornings and Tricia will watch him on Tuesday and Thursdays. Hope this works out well for us. This means, of course that we will have to buy another car. Probably a Honda CR-V.

Off to Akron to see the family tomorrow. We are having a huge family gathering on Thursday, fasten your seatbelts...

Thursday, November 18, 2004

"Art Is Not A Loaf Of Bread"

Here is an interview with Jeff Tweedy of Wilco in Wired Magazine talking about intellectual property rights.

"Tweedy: A piece of art is not a loaf of bread. When someone steals a loaf of bread from the store, that's it. The loaf of bread is gone. When someone downloads a piece of music, it's just data until the listener puts that music back together with their own ears, their mind, their subjective experience. How they perceive your work changes your work.Treating your audience like thieves is absurd. Anyone who chooses to listen to our music becomes a collaborator. People who look at music as commerce don't understand that. They are talking about pieces of plastic they want to sell, packages of intellectual property.
I'm not interested in selling pieces of plastic. "

Radical Reformission-Community

Reading about community in Mark Driscoll's book.

"...This new community of transformed people, called the church, should be patterned after the one true God, who eternally exists as a Trinitarian community of Father, Son and Spirit. God made men and women in his image and likeness, which means, in part, that we too were made for friendships and community. It explains why God told our father Adam that it was not good for him to be alone, though both he and his environment were perfect...we have all been born into a world in which we long for gracious, joyous, and endless friendship and community but find this longing unsatisfied because of the sin that separates us from friendship wiht God and one another...

...In his book Bowling Alone, Harvard professor Robert Putnam explains this phenonmenon by showing that our world is arranged by various sorts of capital... Social Capital includes the friends, acquaintances, coworkers, family members and other relationships that form a web of trust and reciprocity...basically this means that I do something nice to help you because we ahve some type of relationship, with the understanding that, later on, you will help me when I need it, because I've made a deposit into our invisible social-capital account..."

He then goes on to say how this Social Capital based community is declining.

"The decline in our nation's social capital inevitably reduces all of life to a transaction-based culture in which the only way you can get anyone to help you is to pay them. So if you are lonely and want someone to speak to, you may have to pay a counselor. If you can't pick up your dry cleaning, you may have to hire a personal assistant. If you want to work out with someone, you may have to hire a personal trainer. And if you car breaks down, you may have to call a cab--rather than a neighbor--to pick you up.

Many people are lonely and lack the community gathering points in which they can make meaningful human contacts. the following statistics demonstrate this altering of our relational landscape in the past twenty-five years.
* Playing cards as a social activity is down 25%.
*Frequenting bars, nightclubs, and taverns is down 40%
*The number of full-service restaurants has decreased 25%, and the number of bars (including coffee bars) and luncheonettes has decreased 50%, but the number of fast-food outlets has increased 100%, as more people eat alone and eat more meals in their cars.
*Having a social evening with someone from one's neighborhood is down 33%
*Attending social clubs and meetings is down 58%
*Family dinners are down 33%
*Having friends over to one's home is down 45%
*From 1980 to 1993, participation in America's number one participant sport, bowling, was up 10 percent, but the nujmber of bowling leagues decreased 40 percent, as more people bowled alone.
*From 1985 to 1999, the rediness of the average American to make new friends declined by nearly 33%"

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

More Truth

Here is an interesting post and subsuquent discussion on Tony Jones's blog. I heard Tony speak at Soularize a few years ago (not the best workshop i've been in, basically encouraging us to light candles and read liturgical prayers in church services). Anyway i think the discussion is relevant to the "Late Night Radio" post.

All in God's image

This is in contrast to Dr. Brown and his bloggery. The former president, Dr. Dixon allowed a bronze statue of himself to be placed near an enterance in the aptly named Dixon Ministry Center at Cedarville. No there isn't usually a rack on his head.

Amazing how things change...

Here is the blog of the new President of Cedarville University where we attended. He's on the opposite cultural end of the spectrum than President Dixon was. He doesn't even mind calling out Falwell etc... It's a decent read.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

uh, what comes after 3?

Mike W. just pointed out that on the new U2 song "Vertigo" Bono counts 1, 2, 3, 14 in Spanish. We should be looking for quattro.

Still Listening to Wilco


When you're back in your old neighborhood
The cigarettes taste so good
But you're so misunderstood
You're so misunderstood

There's something there that you can't find
You look honest when you're telling a lie
You hurt her but you don't know why
You love her but you don't know why

Short on long term goals
There's a party there that we ought to go to
If you still love rock and roll
You still love rock and roll?

It's only a quarter to three
Reflecting off of your CD
You're looking at a picture of me
You're staring at a picture of me

Take the guitar player for a ride
'Cause he ain't never been satisfied
He thinks he owes some kind of debt
It'll be years before he gets over it

There's a fortune inside your head
When all you touch turns to lead
You think you might just crawl back in bed
With the fortune inside your head

I know you're just a mama's boy
You're positively unemployed
So misunderstood
So misunderstood

I know you've got a god-shaped hole
You're bleeding out your heart full of soul
You're so misunderstood

You're so misunderstood
You're so misunderstood
You're so misunderstood

I'd like to thank you all for nothing
I'd like to thank you all for nothing at all
I'd like to thank you all for nothing
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing at all
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing at all


I'm up listening to a live webcast of wilco and they are blowing my freaking mind. they are so unbelievable. If you are up and reading this they started at 12:30, so they'll probably play another couple hours, so go to wilcoworld.net and listen.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Late Night Radio

Ok, so my son is a pervert. Jaden has touched about a half dozen boobs in the past couple days. He’s been squeezing them too! The dirty kid. You see, he is six months old and doesn’t know any better. He is one of those smiley kids that everyone wants to pick up, especially girls that like the idea of having a kid, but aren’t ready for the commitment yet. Anyway, Jaden is a ladies man right now, but I don’t think he knows it. He also likes to grab coats and blankets and anything else that’s soft, so I really don’t think he means it.

But this got me thinking. Are there times when I’m ignorantly doing things that aren’t right? Offending people? Sometimes I think that to be really Christian you have to be super aware of your surroundings. You have to be ready to catch any action that might put someone out or make them feel belittled. It’s a hard thing to do when you have strong opinions about almost everything, which I do. There seems to be a lot of warnings in the Bible about not speaking too much and not discussing stupid stuff like genealogies etc… I was talking with Noel this week about the “L” in the Calvinistic acronym TULIP. The L stands for Limited Atonement. And Noel is wondering if it even matters to take an opinion on this. “Of course it does” I thought. “It’s freaking John Calvin! He didn’t spend his whole life trying to create the perfect city for nothing did he? Um, yeah, maybe Geneva didn’t quite work out, but this is one of the most discussed doctrines of our faith, it has to matter” I thought to myself. But now that I think about it, does it really? Does it really matter if Christ’s atonement is limited or unlimited? Will this ever come up in a crisis counseling session? I could just imagine it I get a call from someone in the church who is standing on the 127/Kalamazoo St Bridge. “So is it limited or not? If so, I’m jumping.” I mean, that’s just not going to happen.

On the other hand we are reading 2nd Peter today at church and there are so many warnings against false teachers. Funny thing is, if you read Paul’s letter of Galatians we see that that book was teaching against some of Peter’s own false teachings. I guess he knew first hand what it meant to be a false teacher. The analogy might break down a bit though because Peter’s false teaching was really just bad character. I’m sure he knew that favoring the circumcised Jews over the uncircumcised Gentiles was wrong, but I mean I’m intimidated by things that I’m not used to just the same. But the point is, is that he didn’t hold the corner on right teaching at every point in his life. Well this uncertainty makes one think that possibly we are so fallible as humans, that maybe we can’t know anything about what’s right. Or at least, everything is up for debate. I was at this conference in Seattle last week and heard Gary Brashears teach on the question “what is the Gospel.” Many people are asking the question I guess. And I guess you need to define what you mean by that question. But instead of going there, I’d rather ask if there is a place where we can agree that there are some things that we can actually know in scripture? Now, I’m all for asking questions and discussing doctrines that need to be discussed but didn’t God give us this message so we could actually understand some things? So we could get some things done? I would say that the deity of Christ is one of those things. It is a constant thread that permeates the Bible. His grace and salvations would be others, the fact that the Holy Sprit is living in those who follow Christ just Truth! Ok course I don’t mean to say that I have evidence to back things up. But I know I am tired right now and can’t prove it to you. Is there room for this kind of belief in our postmodern society? Or are we just ignorantly grabbing at who knows what?

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Well, I'm back. Got back home at about 7:30 this morning. I has so much to write, but it's going to have to wait because I am just too tired.

I realized two things today.
1. It's good to be back home.
2. Again I realized, it's good to be back home (wink, wink).

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Nature Boy

Nature Boy, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

Dan and some lake

Dan and some lake, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Deception Pass

Deception Pass, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

This is the bridge that connects at Deception Pass. We seriously thought it was a joke in Washington because we could not find Deception Pass, but a few people who live in Seattle told us that we HAD to go there. We thought it was just a practical joke, but when we got there it was totally worth getting lost for 45 minutes.

Dan the badass

Dan the badass, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

Here I am in Washington about an hour and a half north of Seattle overlooking an amazing waterway. Yes I'm hardcore.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Jaden Shoulder

Jaden Shoulder, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

Free Ride

Free Ride, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

Jaden pulling Cole

2 things

1. Last night we got everything recorded except for vocals. My cold is really, really bad, I couldn't even talk on the way back home. The tracks are sound good though.

2. My dad was rushed 911 to the hospital today for lower abdominal pain. If you are a person that prays, I'd appreciate prayer.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

No Seatbelt!

This is a great way to up those frequent flyer miles!

Snningginggg songggnngas

Ok, so tomorrow we are hoping to finish our recording. I have a cold. Jen has a cold. So we are going to sound like an obviously northern band, sniffles and all. Then, Sunday I leave with "N" to hit us the Refomission Conference in Seattle. We are also going to drive to Vancouver to visit my good friends Scott and Tammy. I feel guilty that I get to go and that Suz won't, but I guess we will go back together as a family as soon as we can.

Random word of the day: "blister"

I am law school

If you type "how much jail time can I get for a mistermeaner" into Yahoo, I am the second result. How do I know this? I have this Stat Counter thing that tells me how people find my site.

Monday, November 01, 2004


This really sucks.

Abortion II

Here is a response to the article that I posted before about abortion states.


Suz is an amazing host. We decided to have a last minute Halloween get together with a few people and she forfeited a nap on Sunday afternoon to get the party supplies at the store (we are set for a while). It was ping-pong, euchre and Jaden oogling the whole evening long.

Joey came over and set up all these strobe lights and battery-operated flares in our front yard. We still didn't get tons of kids, but enough to make the effort worthwhile. Travis and Shanna came over and Shanna brought "Catch Phrase" which, I think she has probably brought over about 100 times, and the jerks that we are haven't offered to play! A new couple that we've just kinda met recently, Josh and Kelly, came over and he beat my butt in ping-pong. So yeah, he is king around here.

Well on a different note, I've been thinking about what it means to "go deep" with people. To be honest I don't really know what that means, and I've heard people attach that phrase to so many kinds of situations.
Sometimes it seems like it means gossiping about your family etc..
Sometimes it seems like it means a bunch of guys talking about lust with each other....
Sometimes it seems like it means crying...
Sometimes it seems like it's looking at each other with a really intense look on your face and saying "no, how are you really doing?

But, that really doesn't do it for me. I feel like I've had really deep talks with Suzanne, but I don't know if I would ever have talks like that with someone else. I guess maybe, I've never really gone deep with other people like that. But most of the time I don't really have a huge urge to do that. I do really want to know people well, and want to be able to talk about anything. But I'm more up for years of friendship, where we learn to trust each other, than an all out "cry session" or something.

Does anyone else feel this way?