Thursday, March 31, 2005


I'm getting rid of some gear on ebay with the help of JR, but I wanted to post this first hear, so you, dear readers, have the proverbial "first shot."

Here's what I got:

Fender Blonde Acoustic/Electric guitar w/fishman pickups DG22SCE. Good condition, action could be a tad lower, but overall, it works well. Sounds pretty decent plugged in. $425

Peavey Bass: I bought this off the church, who bought this off of Nate, because I thought I was going to have to play bass in a band. Fortunately, we found enough bass players! Everything works fine, I had it checked out today at Elderly Instruments and they said it's good to go. Comes with a gig bag. $125

Intellitouch Tuner. This is one of the best little tuners in the world. The tuner picks up vibrations to let you know if you are in tune or not. The case is included. $40.

Boss RC-20 Loop Station. This is in excellent condition. I've only used it about three times. I just never got into it. It's a great little pedal though. $225

Carlo Robelli acoustic guitar. Seriously a great beginners guitar. Great value. $70.

Leave a comment if you are interested in any of these at all.


Comment regarding order#058-5412851-1506931


Thank you for your purchase. But, unfortunately this item is no longer available.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Thank you,

Update on my dad

My dad started chemo again this week. Please pray that this works. I don't think they can do much if this round doesn't work. He's pretty positive right now, although he found out yesterday that he has lost a couple muscles in his right arm for good. We are just hoping the cancer responds to this round of chemo.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

No Coffee

No Coffee, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

Church auditorium entrance

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Rachel and Javier

jav, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

This is the service in the hospital chapel. Since I was in the public wedding, I don't have any pictures of that one.

Jaden Messy

Jaden Messy, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

not only messy, but I think he had some wine also...

Dan and Suz at Rach's wedding

Dan and Suz at Rach's wedding, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

Dad and Rach

Dad and Rach, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

Easter Jaden

Jaden cool shirt, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

Two Weddings

My Sis is married. We had a private ceremony Friday night at the hospital chapel so my dad could be there. It was beautiful. Even the nurse was in tears. My dad got all dressed up, tie and all. It was good to see him. Saturday about 300 people showed up for the public ceremony. It was awesome, you could never tell that the wedding had been planned in a week. It was so good to see Rachel and Javier married. They are an amazing couple. They both love God and show it with their lives. Jav has really become part of our family in the last couple months. It's a good thing.


go to to watch two wilco songs live. This is just so Sean can make fun of me. But seriously, you have to give props to the lead guitarist, Nels Cline.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Kitchen Sink

Kitchen Sink, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

We are off to Ohio for my Sister's wedding. Suz and I are standing in the wedding and I'm playing a song. I'm so excited for her and Jav.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Amazon is trying to break my heart

Got this email from them today...

"Here are the details of your refund(s) related to this order.

Item: Refund for I Am Trying to Break Your Heart - A Film About Wilco [DVD]
(2003) Jones (IV...
Refund: [$23.36]
Reason for refund: Other
Memo from seller: We were just alerted that your movie was crushed at the
post office. We would send you out another copy but we are sold out right
now. Sorry for this inconvenience.

Total refund for this order: [$23.36]"

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Scott posted this poem and it was so good, that I had to re-post it. Check his site out for a quick overview of who Oscar Romero is.

Prophets of a Future Not Our Own

It helps now and then to step back and take a long view.
The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is even beyond our vision.
We accomplish in our lifetime only a small fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work.
Nothing we do is complete, which is another way of saying that the kingdom always lies beyond us.
No statement says all that could be said.
No prayer fully expresses our faith.
No confession brings perfection.
No pastoral visit brings wholeness.
No program accomplishes the Church’s mission.
No set of goals and objectives includes everything.
This is what we are about:
We plant the seeds that will one day grow.
We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise.
We lay foundations that will need further development.
We provide yeast that produces effects far beyond our capabilities.
We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it well.
It may be incomplete but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter and do the rest.
We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker.
We are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs.
We are prophets of a future not our own.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

How to Buy Ish

Ok, things have gone pretty well with the "Ish" cd. In two weeks we've sold 250+. People seem to be liking it, despite the fact that I hate the mix. So if any of you who don't go to Riverview would like to buy a cd ($5 plus $1 shipping) email me at groovingdan la la la la la at but ignore all the "la la la's" and you can purchese one via paypal. Paypal is super easy, free and secure to set up transactions with. Thanks!

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Thanks to Amy H. for pointing out that they do exist.

Fantasy Evangelism League

ok so you have to check out and click on "Fantasy Evangelism League."

Yeah baby

So my site needed an update. I have never done any html or any kind of coding before, but just thought I'd play around with stuff on my site. Unfortunatly I forgot to save my Links and so have just been trying to find these off other people's sites. So if I've had you linked before, or if you want linked, could you leave a comment with your url? Thanks.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Have You Ever Transcended Space or Time?

Ok, sorrry to be such a downer on my blog lately. Needless to say this has been a weird week.

Open mic went pretty well on Tuesday, a lot of people came out and it was good to hear some people play their original stuff. When I got home that night, I started feeling sick. When I woke up I knew I was in for it. But Jaden and I drove to Akron to visit my fam. My dad was at the hospital but was doing decently well, eating, talking, which is good as of late. The first night I was there, Jaden didn't sleep until 5am. The second night, he wouldn't sleep without being on my chest. So I was exhausted on top of being sick. I felt that I didn't really help my family out too much. Thursday my dad came home from the hospital. Things were ok. Friday Jaden and I were leaving, my mom tried to wake my dad up to say goodbye, but he wouldn't wake up, we just thought it was the morphine. We found out later that he had pneumonia. Not good. But then today the doctors said that he was responding well to the antibiotics. So he might be home in a couple of days.

My sis also just called and told us that she and her man Javier have decided to get married this Saturday so my dad can marry him, which is very cool. Jav is a great guy and has been such a help with the family the past couple months. I can tell he loves Rachel so much.

All this to say that things have been up and down. There have been tears and laughter, care and anger, hope and fear. I also am trying to do as much of my job as possible. The church has been awesome about giving me time and space, but at the same time, I want to do my job, earn my keep. I feel a bit behind on some things and am excited to get back into music and together and relationships that I have put off lately. For now, it's touch and go.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Here's a treat for you

It's not fun to blog when things suck.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Open Mic Nite

Just wanted to remind you that I will be hosting Open Mic tonight at Il Bacio Cafe on Cedar St. in S. Lansing. 7-9pm.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Dad again

Well my dad went home a couple of days ago so he could rest up and maybe get stronger, but the oral pain medication wasn't working too well so he went back to the hospital this morning. He still hasn't been eating much of anything and isn't really getting stonger. Sorry to be such a downer, but seriously thank you all for your prayers, we've felt very loved.

Saturday, March 12, 2005


Click here and then click on "download" to listen to an experiemental song that I recorded about 6 months ago. I basically wrote it on the spot, ad libbed the words and then did one take layers of guitar effects. I also bang on a metal Christmas tree and crinkle a garbage bag. Enjoy.


Jadenpoker, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

My brother Kevin, took this pic.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Open Mic Nite

So I need your help. I'm hosting Open Mic Nite at Il Bacio's on S. Cedar this Tuesday. It is from 7-9pm. I'll be playing some and I've talked to some others who will make it out to lend us their talent. But I really need a lot of people to come out and support. If this goes well they will let me do this weekly, or bi-weekly. So please come on out, play a song if that's what you do, drink some coffee or chai, or juice or whatever it is that you do... It should be fun!


Cd Cover, originally uploaded by groovingdan.

the "Ish" recording is done. I recieved 1020 copies today. If any of you would like a copy, let me know. It's five original songs, most of which we do at Riverview. I need to charge $5 to recoup costs. So let me know.

Intimacy With Christ

So the past few months I've been trying to explain something to Ross in our conversations about spiritual intimacy. I haven't done a very good job of articulating what I mean, but fortunatly someone much more talented has. Eugene Peterson in Christianity Today. I've been thinking about what it means to "know" Jesus and how following him is much different than having a fuzzy, mystical feeling about God. Here are some highlights...

"I've been a pastor most of my life, for some 45 years. I love doing this. But to tell you the truth, the people who give me the most distress are those who come asking, "Pastor, how can I be spiritual?" Forget about being spiritual. How about loving your husband? Now that's a good place to start. But that's not what they're interested in. How about learning to love your kids, accept them the way they are? "

(CT)"Many people assume that spirituality is about becoming emotionally intimate with God."
(EP)That's a naïve view of spirituality. What we're talking about is the Christian life. It's following Jesus. Spirituality is no different from what we've been doing for two thousand years just by going to church and receiving the sacraments, being baptized, learning to pray, and reading Scriptures rightly. It's just ordinary stuff.

This promise of intimacy is both right and wrong. There is an intimacy with God, but it's like any other intimacy; it's part of the fabric of your life. In marriage you don't feel intimate most of the time. Nor with a friend. Intimacy isn't primarily a mystical emotion. It's a way of life, a life of openness, honesty, a certain transparency. "

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


He is seriously the cutest kid in the world. Go to Noel's site for some more action photos.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

I'm back. Mom felt ok with me coming home for a bit, so here I am. So I lead music today at church and it felt good even though we haven't practiced in forever. I thought it would be weird to just show up and play and not say anything about what's going on with my dad since so many people at church know that I've been gone and have been praying for us. So I talked a bit about hope. And even though things suck right now and I will never understand what the hell is going on with all this cancer stuff, I know that this isn't the "end." Our life goes beyond this. We are citizens of heaven. And at the same time we are here suffering.

We are here and we can't see things clearly. We don't understand. And God isn't just about "getting our butts into heaven" and He isn't just about us "living heaven here on earth." But we are called to live in this balence of knowing that "to live is Christ and to die is gain." I think that many well meaning people have reacted to tract leaving, Bible thumping, preachy people who want you to say a prayer so they can chalk one more convert up on their list that shows how well they have "submitted" to the Spirit, that they have left heaven behind with the fundies, seeking an idealized heaven of hippie love for the new millenia here on earth. But this does the same diservice that the first group does. It eliminates hope. Hope now and hope for the future. This is not the end. Far from it. This is the first page of the first book of an encyclopedia of books that continue on forever, in which stories will be written for eons. Stories that contain a joy that we don't know yet and which, i'm sure we couldn't understand. But it is a joy that we hope for and should be worth seeking.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Hospitals make me feel sick. Everything is white or pink and feels like your grandma decorated. I'm suprised we don't have salt shaker collections in each room. they need to design hospitals with a little more color, maybe some more art, some fountains, bring some plants into the room. Anyways...thank you all so much for your love and prayers. My dad is up and down, the last couple of days were horrible, but since last night he has been feeling better and even talking a bit. He's also been eating more, which is good. He needs to get stronger so they can start up chemo again. The good test results are that the cancer in his spinal fluid has cleared and there is no cancer in his lungs (they were really scared about that). Bad news is that his "normal" chemo hasn't been working and if he gets strong enough to go on it again they will have one more shot at getting a mixture that works. So keep praying. God hears.