Tuesday, May 10, 2005

What happened with Wilco

So yeah, the concert was awesome. They were filming that show and the previous three nights for a live dvd that they are going to release in the fall. The show started off awesome, we were in the balcony, but were only about 50 feet from the stage. About half-way through though, Jeff Tweedy's amp started fading in and out and he got noticably frustrated. He then told us that they would have to take a break and fix it. They thought they fixed it. They repeated the same song. The amp was still acting up and so Jeff traded the amp for multi-instramentalist Pat Sansone's amp. They played and amazing version of Sunkin Treasure, but after that song, he told us that he was being shocked while he was playing, so he put his guitar down and told us that he was just going to take requests and play acoustic. So they played and played and played. And it was awesome. Over three and a half hours. Crazy.


Blogger m@77#&w 13. said...

so cool for you...so much jealousy for me...

10:04 PM  

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