Thursday, July 07, 2005

Rest and Priority

It's interesting reading some in Leviticus about the "year of Jubilee." They rested the land, they freed their slaves, they forgave debts, they rested. It seems that there is much emphasis on rest in the Bible. There is a holy day of rest, holy years, holy weeks, where people stopped working to honor God and to rest. Even God rested. It's not something that comes too easy for most people these days. Some might argue that with the amount of lazy, uncommitted people around today, that we rest way too much. But I would say that most people are still busy with their material pleasures and passions even if they are not working. It's easy to get caught up either way. The hard thing is that since we are not under the law to observe the Sabbath, we can ignore the principle of rest altogether.

I don't know if this relates at all but I'm somewhat concerned about priorities, in my life and in others. We are so busy, that good things are sometimes taking so much time in our lives that we don't make time for the Best things. I know in my life over the past year I've had little contact with those outside the church even though I've been "busy." I think that outreach is super important and as a Christ Follower, I really want to see God work in my life and hopefully bless others, but my comfort sometimes gets in the way. So I'm doing something about it with some of my friends. We are taking one day a week and intentionally going out to meet people. No tracts, no bridge outline (although this can effectively explain part of the Gospel in some well in some cultures), but probably beers, maybe some music. Hopefully conversation. I don't have much to offer in myself, but my hope is that somehow Christ will be revealed to people. I don't write this to brag about what we are doing, but more to kick myself in the butt as accountability. I need to get uncomfortable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me just tell you... I think I'm getting comfortable with starting conversations with strangers. I thought about it on the plane ride back from Germany: I can do this all the time. In fact, I am a missionary all the time because I'm Christ centered (even though I slip into self centered quite a bit). I'm now able to somewhat do this sharing thing with people I know and now I can reach out to those I don't know. I'm with you on this one, Dan. I'm convicted to reach out Me is so comfortable. Beyond me is getting better because I feel God work through this tent. Wow. That made such little sense. Let's blame it on jet lag (I think I can use that excuse for a few more days, right?).


5:48 PM  
Blogger Dan Price said...

Very cool. I hope you guys that went on the Germany trip can help motivate the rest of us!

Cool, let me know when your next trip is!

2:00 PM  

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