Thursday, December 16, 2004


It's amazing how going to bed early (10:30) leads to waking up at 6am naturally. And I've been at il Bacio since 7 and have gotten tons done. It's a good feeling. Also, I can't get the song "Tell Me A Lie" out of my head. It's good.

I'm still reading the new Don Miller book and finding that it is almost exactly what I've been thinking about for my next sermon. The text that I was starting with is Jeremiah 9. God says pretty much "don't boast about what you have, what you know or what you do, but boast that you know me..." It's weird cause it seems we are wired to need/want affirmation in our lives from other people, but when we find our value in that and not God, then we can be boasting in what we do. I talked about this with Sean today on IChat because he was up early too. Here is some of our conversation...

DAN: cool
yeah, let me know when you give those teachings again i want to hear them
Ross was like "i was just listening to him and was, like, totally convicted..."

SEAN: yeah well it's totally God
because it's been last minute
about stuff that I never thought about much before

DAN: i love it when he works like that
boast in God...he works in our weakness....suprising

SEAN: I actually used the "Santa Claus theology" thing from Dons book

DAN: nice there is so much truth in his words


DAN:there are a couple things i found myself not quiet agreeing with...but nothing major

SEAN: let's just move to portland and go to his house all the time

DAN: that would be cool...i want to go to Horse Brass

SEAN:we could totally be a "character" in one of his books, like Tony the Beat Poet


DAN:"yeah and to tell you the truth, I learned a lot that summer from my two friends Firehead and Groovingdan..."

SEAN: haha we're such losers

DAN it's ok to dream....

SEAN:about being a footnote in some one elses book?

that's why we are losers
that's kind of the point of a lot of his book


DAN: finding worth in things like that
it's weird because we are wired that way
but it can be bad
and it's good to encourage people with our words, but bad to find all our value in them
such a hard balence

SEAN: yeah

DAN:it's kind of like what Steve Bush talked how he was getting "hits" of flirtation...well i know i get "hits" of affirmation and one thing keeps me going till the next thing comes along that I get excited about



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