Monday, February 20, 2006


So we had the Valentine's dance at church this past weekend and it was a lot of fun. We had about 120 people there and it was crazy and pretty fun. Met many new people there. It's interesting that relationships are easily built when people are enjoying something good that God has given to us. I feel the same way about poker. I have all these new friends who I've gotten to know over beer and cards. I feel like as we pray for relationships that lead to people finding God, God is answering. I feel like he is doing all the work, we are just showing up. It feels like God works in so many differnt ways through so many different people, it really shows the character of God to use people who are unskilled, or introverted or have a foul mouth or are really poor or really rich or whatever, but he is using all kinds of people to reach others. This says so much about his character.


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