Florida is an amazing place to live if you are old-an amazing place to visit if you are young. Sebring is made up of many small retirement villiages for middle class people who saved money when they were young. One of them is the famous Maranatha Village, which hosts many Cedarville grads and ex-professors and that sort. There are Villas there too, which are basically really nice duplexes. Suzanne's parents own two of these, but live in one of them. They are nice and clean and most everyone waves at you when you walk by. The liscence plates are all pretty much midwestern states, more Ohio than New York, becuase even if there's snow in New York at least there's something interesting to do.
Sebring is also known for it's 12 hour race. Money people come in and pay race drivers to drive their porche, or Ferrari or suped up hot rod and they race for 12 hours around a winding, twisting racetrack. Sound's pretty neat.
About 100 feet from the north end of the track there's a small airport/hotel. This is one of my favorite things. They have a resturant with an outdoor patio where you can sit and watch the chopper, or prop planes land and take off. You usually end up overhearing race drivers taking lunch complaining about their owners and being rude to the waitresses. It's still amazing though. The sky is blue and the steel birds fly like they were made by hands of the Almighty himself.
There are accidents in Sebring every day. Reason: old people can't drive. It's scary. If you visit Sebring, there's a good chance you could die.
All of the healthy men of Sebring golf, which is good. My father-in-law's good friend lives down there and happens to be a golf instructor. So we drove south to Lake Placid past the downtown murals and the ghetto where the orange grove workers live, to a pretty nice golf course where you could play 18 with a golf cart for $20. I am not good, but I'm getting better thanks to Jake, the golf instructor.
We also visited Lon and Bekah at their beautiful place on Manasota Key. There was good food, great conversation and a beautiful private beach. It's awesome to talk with them about God and life over wine and homemade humus.
All in all a great vacation and I'm ready to get back in action and help people find out who they were meant to be. Glad to be back.
Sounds like a great vacation. I like how you put that, "help people find out who they were meant to be."
You are right on about terrible drivers...I had always heard that, but I didn't understand how bad until I actaully saw it around Sarasota, FL! Where I'm staying now (north central florida) there aren't really old folks so it's fine, but around those beaches and retirement communities, watch out...
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