"Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a man during a quail hunt ... making 78-year-old Harry Whittington the first person shot by a sitting veep since Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton, of course, (was) shot in a duel with Aaron Burr over issues of honor, integrity and political maneuvering. Whittington? Mistaken for a bird."
Chalk one more up for the Daily Show!
And yet, no one heard of when Senator Ted Kennedy crashed his car over a bridge, into icy waters, and left a girl drowning to death. He never called an ambulance, or called for help, and nothing was mentioned in the press.
Sorry, gotta say it, I think it's worse than Cheney accidentally shooting someone while quail hunting (which happens quite frequently).
Actually the even though that happened with Ted Kennedy years and years ago, I've seen no less than three bits that have mentioned that incident on the Daily Show and of course made fun of him.
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