Monday, October 04, 2004

Are you good enough to praise God? =),,,

So we had band try-outs saturday for the worship teams at church. It's going to be so crazy deciding on our teams. It's so hard to tell people that we can't use them right now (and for some, never). There are few more people trying out tonight and tomorrow night also. I just hope people don't wrap up too much hope in this. I am trying to develop a "music jam" time where all musicians, experienced and not-so, could just come and jam on different things. The more experienced musicians could teach the newbies all of their musical wisdom and so on. People love music so much that I think this could be really meaningful to many of them. Problem is, I don't have enough time right now. And I can't think of people that would. And the church building is now used almost every night for various things. So this will be logistically challenging. But it would be nice.

We are also recording some of the songs that I've written lately on October 24th. I think we are going to call the band "Ish" because our service times all end in "ish." I think we will do about 5 songs. Should be fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I really look forward to getting my hands on that cd when it comes out. I am not good enough to worship God, although I am commanded to, and truly feel my deepest worship happening when I am jamming along w/ the Riv worship band. I recently have been wondering if you where planning on recording, becuase I would love to listen to the team during the week when I'm tooling around in my car.

It will be interesting to hear the new additions after they get the Riv stamp of approval. I played conga's at my previous church and its not often anyone really understands what goes into music ministry. It is a big big deal. So thank you Dan for what you do, my fiance and I look forward to worshiping with the team every week. Keep it up!!!


2:49 PM  
Blogger Trev Diesel said...

Dan - I also work with church musicians and would like to have a real brief email conversation with you (about some questions that I have been having that perhaps you may be able to answer). Could you shoot me an email to and I'll reply back to you (to see if you've got any advice for me)? Thanks, man-


12:20 PM  

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