Wednesday, September 22, 2004

My friend just got a job writing for a paper in Colorado. Because of this job he had to forfeit his protest of the election that he was planning. I think his rant is pretty funny.

"Kids should register to vote b/c they have a candidate who they actually
want to vote for, not b/c P Diddy and MTV say it's cool. Same goes for
everyone else. I do not think that good citizenship requires someone to
vote, if none of the candidates meet their approval. I think a good citizen
can NOT VOTE as well. Basically, low voter turnout is the fault of hte
candidates, not the kids, not the media (our typical scapegoats). The
CANDIDATE is the one seeking votes. If very few people vote (no matter what
the demographic), then the candidate is not doing a good job of soliciting
their vote."

"Man, it would have been great. Me and my friends with picket signs saying
'none of the above' and 'good citizens don't vote for corrupt politicians',
'which rich white guy will you vote for?', 'vote for your oppressor', "My
vote is not for sale" and the like. It also has to do with class warfare.
Did you know that most of our politicians, and the ones who critize them in
the media, are all mostly from an upper-class background? I realized this
wehn reading about Doonsbury writer Gary Trudeau. He blasts Bush in his
cartoon for being a silver-spoon, blue-blooded money monger. Truth is, Gary
Trudeau graduated WITH George W. (and many others) from Yale. I hate this.
How can a person be trusted to make decisions for the best interest of our
country if he or she doesn't even know the price of milk, or has never even
had to TRY to get a job? how can our country and media be run by such a
select few rich kids who had the opportunity for advancement because of
their parent's money? Kerry is just as bad if not worse."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm so glad someone has the same opinion as me about this election.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Hanna Sojourn said...

Dan, I miss you because I like the way you think. It is true, why do we trust someone to run our goverment when they have never had to buy their own milk.
Kind of like why do we look to the media for help on getting to know the people running and all we hear about are the persons faults and or the few good things they did. We may hear their opions on things but usally there on issues that don't really matter for the postion they are running for anyway.
Glad to hear there are others out there who do not vote every time.

6:54 AM  
Blogger Dan Price said...

Are you my brother Patrick or someone else?

As far as the lesser of two evils thing goes... I didn't post my friend's email as representative of my views. I do however agree with a lot that he's saying. I think that it is ok for some people to vote for the lesser of two evils, if they can really see a difference. But for others I think it is their right and good to not vote at all if there is not a candidate who represents them. Maybe they should write in a third candidate or something. But the question in my mind is, how evil are we going going to let our candidates be before we stop voting for them? If we had Stalin and Sadaam running for President, we could say that Sadaam is the lesser of two evils because he killed less people, but I really doubt that people would be offended by those who would withhold their vote because neither candidate represents them. See what I'm saying?

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, nice comments everyone...i'm justin, dan's 'friend in colorado'

about the 'lesser of two evils' thread, I told some people about my thoughts on voting, and one girl got really mad and said that if I didn't vote, then I wasn't allowed to complain about the government.

That comment struck me as strange, seeing sa how she didn't vote for George W., yet she complains about him non-stop.

I pay taxes. That's enough justification in my mind to complain, regardless of who I voted for or if I voted.

I am not advocating complete abstinence from voting. I think everyone should vote for people that they truly believe in at all levels of government.

I wanted to start my own little non-profit called anti-vote. Basically, I would make a list of basic views and experiences that a candidate must posess in order to be considered. People who joined my org would then basically hold their votes until someone met the criteria. I think that something like this would help get young people involved and provide a positive way for candidates to reach them.

do you guys think it would work?

questions, comments, and sarcastic remarks are always appreciated

5:57 PM  
Blogger Dan Price said...

Here are some links to others who don't vote. are plenty more out there, but you'll need to google for yourself. Now I'm planning on voting this November, but I'm not sure I'm voting for President.

7:05 PM  

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