Friday, October 01, 2004

Slackers in the Free World

So yesterday I went and saw Michael Moore speak at MSU. It was pretty interesting. There were people yelling at each other beforehand. Rebublicans marching, shouting "no more lies, and everyone else standing in line booing. Once we got inside he was introduced by some Michigan Congressman who made a joke about the Bush administration's mantra being "Four More Wars!" Then it was typical Moore antics. He is a very smart person though. He is a multi-millionare who is caddied around in a limo and wears Gucci in private. But he appears in public with a wrinked, black shirt over a wrinkled black tee shirt and a scruffy looking beard and his MSU hat. It is not flattering, although it connects him as a man of the people. A very smart communicator. He knows his audience and talks to them. He isn't trying to convince Rebublicans to change their minds, he's trying to convince non-voting liberals to vote. He doesn't talk about Kerry as a hero, in fact he says "Bush and Kerry both suck" but "Bush has to go." It is very persuasive to the Naderhead idealists.

So then, last night Suz and I had one of the best dates we've had recently. Joel and Susan watched Jaden and we went to Bravo and then for a beer at Claddaugh. It really felt like we were dating again. So much to talk about. She is an amazing woman.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dan, man don't get me started on Michael Moore....

yes, he is a good (if wholly unethical) communicator, and if you view 'Farenheit 9/11' as a film version of an op-ed article, it's a little more palitable. Whether you agree with his politics is immaterial, the movie has blatant misdirections and exaggerations, and shows endless film clips without giving any context whatsoever to the viewer, instead substituting Moore's mischeivious dime-store contextualizing in his narration.

Michael Moore reminds me alot of Greg Davis. Greg from when I remember him was really in-your-face, and had a sense of comedic timing that is just like Michael Moore's in Farenheit 9/11. When you hear 'cocaine' playing while Moore shows documents of W. bailing on his flight physical, that was good, really good, reminded me of DAvis.

About Farenheit 9/11, i think by the time you are through reading this post, it will have probably ceased to be relevant in any political discussion and Michael Moore himself is not far behind (next stop, VH1's 'i love the 2000's countdown). As a deceptive, boorish, and meat-fisted hyperbole of a film, it works. As a piece of art or credible political commentary (like farenheit 451, for example), it fails miserably.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Kalliopi Psalm said...

This whole blog this is really cool. My husband has been doing it for a while (which is how I found yours), I on the other hand have discovered this thing while on maternity leave.. Just let me say 1. How adorable your son is, 2. How awesome is it to find a man who is truly in love with his wife. Once our daughter is a bit older (she's 5 wks), I am so excited to start dating my husband again. Hell, I'm excited to eat a hot meal the first time around and have a conversation that doesn't include the word poop... Gotta love parenthood. Oh yeah, great blog by the way.. Amy--

6:17 PM  

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