Friday, February 11, 2005


I'm looking around and no one has a tan around here except for me. I looked normal in Florida (ok, no sacastic comments) We blew in last night from St. Pete and had a 60 degree swing in weather. Crazy. The people and relationships here are worth it though (I think).

-He's not doing so well. The first couple rounds of chemo have done nothing for his cancer and so they are moving him to a more aggressive form of chemo in which he will have to be hospitalized for 3-5 days every round. If you are a praying person and would like to encourage my dad, he has a pager 330-504-9408 (and then press "1") You do not need to leave him a message--the pager will just beep to let him know that someone just prayed for him. Thanks.

-He has learned so much this week. He is crawling. He claps. He says "da da" and "ma ma". He can pull himself up on his feet if he has something to hold on to. He knows the meaning of the words "no", "more", "bonk" (head butt) and "kiss". And he has four teeth. He is going to be keeping us busy here, that's for sure.

-She is rockin' on stuff for the crepe shop, she will be opening in March. I'll post a pic of her. She is hot.

-I'm just getting back into everything. Music, Together, Leader's Retreat etc... I won't be traveling for a while, got that all taken care of in a month. I'm here.


Blogger Holly said...

Glad everyone is back, though you shall be outcasts until your skin turns to its normal ashy white. That's how we play here in Michigan.

Actually, you and Suz have a natural glow so you never fit in anyhow.

In case you didn't know, I'm totally joking about my discriminating remarks. We all love y'all sooo much. I seriously almost started crying when I got your e-mail about your dad. I had to fight it off because my boss was reprimanding me. Prayers to the whole family, always.

12:47 PM  

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