Friday, January 21, 2005


What a good week. I mean that in the hardest way possible. The young couples group is just starting and gaining momentum as more people are getting connected and as our vision is getting focused, but it's tough stuff! It's amazing how hard communication can be, but how rewarding the struggle to understand each other is. Often times when we don't understand each other we think that they are thinking badly of us and our motives. We draw a cartoon verson of the situation in our mind where people are heroes if they agree with us and villians if they don't. Or we think that the other person has that picture which is really the same thing. It's interesting when we read Paul's letters to the churches, we see a very graceful greeting, even when there is some conflict between them. He "thinks well" of them. He "thanks God for them." I think this attitude is a hard one to have. But then again, that's what it means to put your value behind someone else's good. That's what it means to love sacrificially. Most of the time anyway, our motives in these things are the same, it's just the communication that is confusing. Wanting more specifics? Too bad.


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